Kaimin Wei

Kaimin Wei is a full professor in the College of Information Science and Technology and College of Cyber Security at Jinan University (JNU). He received a Ph.D. in computer science from Beihang University (also called Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics). He was selected as the Young Pearl River Scholar.

His research interests are mainly in mobile computing and artificial intelligence, with a particular emphasis on security techniques and algorithm optimization.

The easiest way to contact him is through email at weikaimin (at) 126.com.

Join Us (招募)

  • Recruiting PhD candidates, Master students, and Undergraduates (招收本科生、硕士生、博士生) interested in mobile computing or articifial intelligence. Please feel free to send an email.


  • Dec. 2023, one paper has been accept by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Congratualations to Guozi!
  • Jul. 2023, one paper has been accept by Computer & Security. Congratulations to Dongliang!
  • Jun. 2023, one paper has been accept by Frontiers of Computer Science. Congratulations to Xiaochuan!
  • Apr. 2022, one paper has been accepted by ACM ICMR 2022.
  • Mar. 2022, one paper has been accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Congratulations to Kai!


       Please refer to DBLP.

Ongoing Projects

  • NSFC-general project, research on routing protocol supporting privacy protection in mobile crowdsensing.


  • Spring, Data Structure.
  • Spring, Case Study in Cyber Science.
  • Autumn, Academic Writing.
  • Autumn, Python Programming.